[closed] How to fetch only streams from a component using GC API
Thiruvenkadam Dhanaraj (27●2●18)
| asked May 12 '22, 9:22 a.m.
closed May 25 '22, 10:25 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.6k●3●36●46) Hi,
I am not able to filter configurations based on streams. Is there a way we get only stream url from a configuration.
GC Url used to fetch configuration,
i am trying to filter based on stream using this oslc_config:stream parameter as mentioned in https://jazz.net/sandbox01-gc/doc/scenario?id=QueryConfigurations
Please let me know, how can i get all streams from a component / configuration and not baselines. Currently if we try to get configurations for a component it gives streams and baselines. i am finding difficult to get only stream urls beacuse both uses rdf:type.
Thank you
Please close this duplicate question. Dup of https://jazz.net/forum/questions/280362/how-to-fetch-only-streams-from-a-component-using-gc-api