Possibility to configure which review types are allowed
When doing a demo for Ericsson I got a question about the posibility to configure which review types were allowed for a project or team e.g. Team A can only have formal reviews.
Team B only informal and Team c both.
I know it isn't possible but has anybody else asked for it or have you considered it?
Team B only informal and Team c both.
I know it isn't possible but has anybody else asked for it or have you considered it?
One answer
I recommend opening an enhancement request for this, as I do not believe this specific use case has been considered. I think this is related to a more generic feature of allowing users to specify their review process (which includes this work item: https://jazz.net/jazz03/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/21257).
I recommend opening an enhancement request for this, as I do not believe this specific use case has been considered. I think this is related to a more generic feature of allowing users to specify their review process (which includes this work item: https://jazz.net/jazz03/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/21257).