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RTC plainJava libraries not compatible post java 8?

Swathi sheshadri (138) | asked Apr 06 '22, 10:42 a.m.
Hello Team,

we used RTC plainjava libraries  -RTC-Client-plainJavaLib- along with java 8 for automating user addition . For log4j 2.17 we updated java version to 11 , the applications using RTC-Client-plainJavaLib- not working as expected. we have also tried with EWM-Client-plainJavaLib-7.0.2 , this too does not help. Are there any new changes which we should add?

// service is null
IProcessItemService service = (IProcessItemService) teamRepo

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 06 '22, 10:50 a.m.

As far as I am aware the Plain Java Client Library and the SDK and the server components currently support Java 8.

From the download page of EWM you can open the system requirements. E.g. for 7.0.2 you can go to all platforms and look up the Java versions supported. I am not sure about the footnote 1 in that document. My experience is that it works with Java 8. The vanilla Eclipse client and the servers ship IBM Java 8. I have seen complains about issues with Java 11. I do not use Java 11 at the moment.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 06 '22, 10:51 a.m.

When moving from Java 7 to Java 8 I had to recompile and build my code with Java 8 in order to get it working.

Swathi sheshadri commented Apr 06 '22, 11:12 a.m.

Hello Ralph, it is working on java 8 but we have moved to java 11 due to log4j jar and jena compatibility issues. do you think we can get a fix for RTC library for java 11 ?

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 07 '22, 2:59 a.m.

I have no Java 11 available to me that I can legally use for testing. The Java Semeru 11 that I had did not work with the plain Java client libraries. 

You can always open a case with support and get answers there. I am not aware of a fix to the plain Java Client Libraries. 

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