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Bulk Work Item Operation Settings

Sean Burke (3789144247) | asked Jul 16 '21, 5:24 p.m.

 I can't synchronize work items because I get the following error.  How can I give myself Bulk Work Item Operation?  I don't see it anywhere in the permissions and have have very level of security anyways.

Error running operation 'Synchronizing Attributes'

CRJAZ6053E To complete the 'Save Work Item' task, you need these permissions: 'You don't have permission to perform the following actions:
  Bulk work item operation (bulk)'
CRJAZ6053E To complete the 'Save Work Item' task, you need these permissions: 'You don't have permission to perform the following actions:
  Bulk work item operation (bulk)' 

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 19 '21, 3:57 a.m.

 I think the error message is rather easy to understand. Your users seems to lack a role with a specific permission that is actually mentioned in the message. With a small part e.g. 'bulk' of the permission you can search for it.

The error indicates you are missing this permission:

Bulk work item operation

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