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Enhancement to artefact custom sections in RQM/ETM

Ulrich Simon (1514) | asked May 27 '21, 3:50 a.m.

It is possible in RQM/ETM to create custom sections for an artefact. These custom sections can be of types Richt Text Editor or Grid.

Are there any plans to enhance this functionality? The idea is, to add attributes or categories of the artefact into a custom section instead of the standard summary section of the attribute.
For artefacts with many attributes and categories, this would enhance the clarity of the UI, when the information within an artefact could be more structured.

Accepted answer

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Karthik Sirimulla (1811) | answered May 28 '21, 12:48 a.m.

 Hi Ulrich,

We are working on enhancing custom sections functionality. Here are some work items : 

However, you can request for enhancement using this link :


Ulrich Simon selected this answer as the correct answer

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