How get approval date for each user in report.
I am developing a Approval report for client. Work item have Approval tab, I need get date when each user put their resolution in approval (approved or rejected).
I found only dueDate Approval.
For example, I have WI with id 120 and two approvers, dueDate Approval 11/04/2021. User1 set resolution 07/04/2021, user2 set resolution 10/04/2021
Example report
id_WI User State Date
120 user1 approved 07/04/2021
user2 rejected 10/04/2021
125 user1 rejected 03/05/2021
user3 approved 02/05/2021
I used BIRT and JRS but did not find any information.
Any idea? Is there any way to track the History tab information?
2 answers
I looked into the API and there seems to be no timestamp when the user approved an approval. I also do not see an approval date that would save the data of the last change of the cumulative approval.
Looking into the UI does also not show any dates other than the due date.
If the information is not calculated from the work item history, it is not there, for all I can tell.
Have you looked through the Approval and Approval Task traceability options? We've been able to get most of what we need from there.
Yes, Approval Task contains information of Work Item Approval State Name, Approver Name but didn't contains date when approver set resolution. I found only Last update time, which taken from DW (last date of collection jobs running). I try get this date from history but didn't found anything suitable method.