DNG - what is the Maximum number of components in a Project, artifact inside a component
Is there any recommendation from IBM for the below points:
- What is the maximum component allowed in a project
What is the maximum folder/module/artifacts in a component
What is the max size of Custom Type systems [Artifact Type, Attribute, Data Type, Link Types] allowed in a component
- What is the maximum size of attachment [no of attachment and size of an attachment] allowed in a module artifact and single artifact
- What is the maximum number of Change-set allowed in a component
- What is the maximum number of Baselines allowed in a component
- What is the maximum number of Streams in a component
Thank you,
One answer
Questions like these are hard to answer with definitive statements. So much varies based on the environment in which the system is running (server, database, storage, network) as well as the the "shape" of the data--in its many individual dimensions and as a combined set.
We can tell you what we've tested, the environment we used to test, and the response times we saw in our labs. In fact we publish this information at https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/PerformanceWhereToStart . See especially the performance guides.
It may be valuable to your organization to pursue detailed guidance in a deployment workshop, "health check", or other process+deployment engagement with subject matter experts at IBM or your preferred business partner.