I want to see the report of one specific module within the component
I want to generate the report for the specific module within the component.
It looks like I can filter the contents for the specific project and component but not for speciifc module.
Not sure, how to do that?
For example: I want to see within the Project : xx, Component: yy; in the Staging Stream: zz
View the following scenarios:
FRS-REQ-> FRS-UC using the link type(Link to)
FRS-REQ-> Upper level requriement(satisfies)
Best regards,
2 answers
Your question is not specific on how you would like to report on asked data. If you have not found answer to your question, I suggest to take a look at JRS Docs https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/elm/7.0.3?topic=builder-reporting-data-in-configurations. This should provide you guidance how to create JRS report, see tip under item 4.