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Query Jazz from 3rd Party Tool

Jason Freedman (111) | asked Mar 22 '21, 10:15 a.m.

 My customer is using both Jazz and Confluence.  They have some informational pages in Confluence they regularly use.  I would like to list some Epics / Stories that are in Jazz on this page (dynamically via a conditional query to Jazz).  I would like to then have those Epics / Stories clickable in Confluence so they are re-directed into Jazz.  What is the best way to query Jazz for these Epics / Stories?  I am not clear as to what REST services Jazz  has available and how to best implement them.  Note that these are both in a secluded enclave on-prem network installation.  Thanks!!!

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 22 '21, 10:47 a.m.

 I have recently worked with a team that needed to retrieve work item information and make it available to another tool/UI. I found that the easiest approach was to use an existing work item query in RTC/EWM and run that using this API: 

The general flow would be to 
  • login
  • find the project areas
  • find the queries for the project area
  • get the query you want
  • run the query
  • get the work item information

You want to use accept headers text/xml. Part of the information you get back is the URI of the work item that you can use to open them.

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