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What to do when JTS database corrupted

sreenath v (78680) | asked Feb 02 '21, 8:53 p.m.

I have a scenario where JTS database got corrupted and all other CCM,QM,RM database working.I don't have backup of JTS database also.I this case how to move forward to make server up?

2 answers

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Leonardo Benevides (266628) | answered Feb 02 '21, 9:41 p.m.

 I think a good approach to this problem is:

1. Backup the JTS server conf folder (.../server/conf/jts);
2. Drop the lost JTS database and recreate it;
3. Run the JTS setup (you don't need to fill up all the config fields like LDAP, server name etc), only the database config to create the tables. Do the setup only to the JTS App.
4. Stop the server (all app) and restore the backup you did on step 1.
5. Start the server.

It should work. 

sreenath v commented Feb 02 '21, 10:03 p.m.

But its showing some error of consumer keys,and ccm,qm application is offline!

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Thomas Molina (11) | answered Feb 04 '21, 2:00 a.m.

Change to the database directory and copy the database backup to a secure location.
The default location is Jazz_install_dir / server / conf / app / derby / repositoryDB, where app is jts, ccm, rm, qm, dcc, gc, relm, ldx, lqe, or dm.
Start the Jazz Team Server.
To restore a version of a database from a backup, follow these steps:
Stop the Jazz Team Server.
Replace the Derby database directory with the version from the backup.

Restart the Jazz Team Server.

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