REST-API-POST: execute/run the test case execution record (TCER) via POST operation in REST API
Hi All,
We are planning to create the testcases drafted in Excel file using RQMExcelWordExport tool . It is a tedious task to manually update the testcase execution result status . Also, it is quite difficult to do a retrospection of the execution history result of the same test case.
Can anyone help us on this with the following :
1. How to get all the test case execution record (TCER) with respect to test plan id via REST GET ?
2. How to execute/run the test case execution record (TCER) via POST operation in REST API /
or we can able to update TCER status through RQMExcelWordExport tool.
One answer
Hi Hemanth,
1. For fetching the TCERs for a particular Test Plan you can use something like this:
https://<host>:<post>/qm/service/<projectArea_alias>/executionworkitem?fields=feed/entry/content/executionworkitem[testplan/@href='<encoded REST API URL for the Test Plan with urn ID>']/*
The test Plan url could be https://<host>:<post>/qm/service/<projectArea_alias>/testplan:/<testpla_Id> - but fully encoded
Please see the following wiki for more details:
- (In case the project is CM enabled)
2. We support offline execution of Test artifacts. You can execute any test cases/suite etc offline, provide the results and export them back to repository later. Please see wiki for more details.
Monika Rajput