Using custom file-to-file links in RTC

hi all
The RTC web client for permits administrators to create custom link types. The link types created have Link From/Link To for File to File.
Once the page has been saved, I see the new link type. Let's call it BONGO and the other end OGNOB.
When I go to a file in the RTC eclipse client I see that I should be able to add a related artifact using this link type. (Team ->Add Related Artifact)
However, a dialog is shown "No artifact that is associated with the project area "PN" supports the Bongo relationship.
How is this intended to be used?
One answer

See the second Note in:
When you link to a project area on a server that is friend, add the association type Provides - Change Sets to link to files in another project area. To link to files within the same project area, you must also create an association to the project area.
I believe there are three problems here:
(1) The error message is obscure, and doesn't help you fix the problem.
(2) For other applications, you don't need to create an association from a project area to itself to create links between artifacts in that project area, so it is unexpected to have to do so for file links.
(3) The "Change Sets" association type is not what you would expect to use in this case.