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Is it possible to sync 2 streams of different repository of different versions

shweta ranaware (3711053) | asked Jun 22 '20, 9:29 a.m.
edited Jun 30 '20, 6:46 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)

 Hi all,

 I wanted to sync 2 streams from 2 different repositories of different versions.
I got below link from to sink 2 streams 

I run the command " stream Pallavi@https://localhost:9443/ccm stream ScrumStream@" on perl command line but I got below error 
Problem running 'workspace replace-components':
Nothing to replace.
Skipping the component specified by "_lU7iYbRbEeqMRYwpr-BPqw". Does not exist in the target workspace.
Its working okay for same versions.
I am using RTC 606 and 606.1 versions.

Shweta Ranaware

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Shashikant Padur (4.2k27) | answered Jun 30 '20, 6:46 a.m.

If it is working with same versions of the product then I suspect there have been model changes that may prevent backward compatibility between 606 and 6061 versions. Take a look at the following article

Appendix: Backwards Compatibility and Distributed SCM

When replicating a stream or workspace, distributed SCM makes identical copies of changes histories, change sets and changes being copied. Any modification to how these are modeled or stored on the server will make it impossible to replicate changes to an older server. However, in rare circumstances, changes to the model are required to support high priority enhancements. The following RTC versions have model changes that prevent backwards compatibility with previous versions:

  • RTC 4.0.5 is not compatible with RTC 4.0.4 or before.
  • RTC 4.0 is not compatible with RTC 3.x or before.
  • RTC 5.0 is not compatible with RTC 4.x or before.

There is also no guarantee that future releases will support backwards compatibility with respect to distributed SCM if there are comprehensive changes to how SCM manages its data.

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