is it possible to have a Planned VS actual work items for iterations in RTC?

In RTC i have several iteration(Sprints) and hundreds of work itesms( Epic,Story,Task,Defects...etc)
i plan few stories to sprint 1 and if i am not able to close them in sprint 1 i move them to sprint 2 or 3.
Lets say i am in sprint 8 in this month
I want to create a report which shows me for sprint 1 how many stories i had initially planned and how many did i close. the same way for sprint 2, 3 , 4 and so on.
x axis should display iteration names and Y axis should have the count of planned Work items and actually completed work items.
Any hints would be really appreciated.
One answer

There are a few OOTB reports that may give this data.
Release burndown by work item count | Shows the number of outstanding work items for an iteration, broken down by its direct child iterations. |
Release burnup by work item count |
Shows the number of completed work items for an iteration, broken down by its direct child iterations.
Burndown by work item count | Shows the number of work items that are either open or in progress over daily intervals. |
Burnup by work item count | Shows the number of completed work items over daily intervals. |