How intercept an event on create/update RTC links?

Hello guys!
Is it possible somehow intercept an event when link between two work items was modified by user in Rational Team Concert? May be somebody has an idea how it can be realized.
May be either using RTC behavior adviser, or an external Java application, or something else.
I was thinking last days how it can be realized but honestly there's no idea which way to go so far.
Thank you in advance for any idea!
One answer

As far as I know this can be done in the work item save operation and used in advisors and follow up actions. See for advisor examples.
The links can be accessed using the references. I think there are multiple methods to access the previous and the next references.
Note, there are different categories of link types.Some, the CLM link types such as tracks/contributes to, are undetectable in work item save.