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UI Preview for DNG using OSLC

Daksha Godbole (111) | asked Oct 24 '19, 11:31 p.m.


1. Is there any code to develop a UI Preview when the user hovers the mouse on DNG link/artifact using OSLC?

2. Also i checked few links but there is no proper code or example which explains about the Delegated UI for DNG.

Ian Wark commented Oct 25 '19, 2:42 a.m. | edited Oct 25 '19, 3:16 a.m.
I'm not sure if we have this. If DNG is a consumer, you may need to look at the OSLC pages.

For DNG OSLC specific general information you can start here:

In Lab 5 there is a bit on obtaining link for Creation Dialog and then in Lab 6 it starts explaining about how to program OSLC.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 25 '19, 6:09 a.m.

 I think you can find some hints and links here: The feature is called Delegated UI or compact rendering. I think that most of the Jazz Applications still support compact rendering rather than newer OSLC specs for the same features. 

I think the previews are using an IFrame and would suggest to use the Chrome development tools to have a look at what the Jazz products do.

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