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IBM RTC 605 Calculated values Cannot read property 'HttpConnectorParameters' of undefined

Rafael Rodriguez Montes (23013130256) | asked Jul 15 '19, 2:52 a.m.


I'm trying to send information via script on the calculated values section, I created a javascript, and I'm trying to use 
it was working in the begining but suddenly start showing this error:
ERROR: TypeError: Cannot read property 'HttpConnectorParameters' of undefined
I didn't change anything so I wonder if this was like temporal working feature available for calculated values of an attributes.
any alternative to send post? via rest? or something reliable?

it crashes right here:
var params= new;

script here:



(function() {
var WorkItemAttributes =;

    dojo.declare("org.example.calculated.test", null, {
        getValue: function(attribute, workItem, configuration) { 
var params= new;


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