RTC 6.0.5 Java script calculated values how to debug?
I'm trying to print out the error codes of the java script, I tried to watch the console and it prints the console.logs, but when it crahses it just don't do anything, I would like to see if there is any way to print out the error or why is crashing, there is nothing on the browser in the console where I can see the error.
is there another place for the logs or do I need to enable something for debugging the java scripts hooked to the attributes?
One answer
See https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/AttributeCustomization#Debugging_scripts . Chrome and its built in development tools and debugger works best for me.
I also added a bit of information in the last 2 labs here: https://jazz.net/library/article/1093
When using Websphere Liberty Profile the location of the server .log file that contains console.log() information and crash info for scripts is in installDir\server\liberty\servers\clm\workarea\org.eclipse.osgi\90\data\temp\default_node\SMF_WebContainer\ccm\ccm\eclipse\workspace\.metadata
Rafael Rodriguez Montes
Jun 30 '19, 7:25 p.m.I wanted mention that I tried to catch the errors using typical catch and visualize them on the consol.log, but I can't find them.