Report Builder - LQE: How can I add Custom Attribute for Creation Date.
I am able to find Defect Age under Report Builder - RDW using following Custom Expression:
DAYS(CURRENT DATE)-DAYS($Work Item:Creation Date$)
But same does not work under Report Builder - LQE then getting error as below:
Your custom expression contains invalid syntax. Review and correct the SPARQL syntax.
CRRGW5605E An com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryParseException error occurred when validating the input SPARQL string, caused by Lexical error at line 32, column 12. Encountered: "(" (40), after : "S".
Can someone provide me complete Custom Expression statement to find Defect Age under LQE?
Appreciate in advance.
4 answers
The following custom expression will calculate the difference between the dates:
Hi Cherie <o:p> </o:p>
Appreciate your response here. But it returns answer in Alpha-Numeric i.e. P21DT0H0M0S. I am looking answer in Number or Integer which tells me the Age of Defect. <o:p> </o:p>
Can you provide some expression which gives me answer in Integer or Number like DAYS(CURRENT DATE)-DAYS($Work Item:Creation Date$) in RDW which gives answer in Integer / Number.