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how to display a custom field in plan

Norman Dignard (356694176) | asked May 16 '19, 6:48 a.m.

Users have customized a work item (task), adding additional fields (attributes) to the record and want to display that attribute in a plan view.   It appears that the plans don't allow adding a custom field as the attribute does not get listed in the add column selection option.   I've tried a short string and a tag but neither one is presented to select.

Is this possible or is this a limitation on plans that only allows adding out-of-the-box defined attributes? What other steps are required to get custom fields to display in plans?


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Norman Dignard (356694176) | answered May 16 '19, 6:58 a.m.

 I just noted that the pocess config under the  planning section there is another attribute mapping area. after additing the attributed there, i was able to get them to display in plans.

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

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