RTC 6.0.5 Sending values from workitem when is updated via rest
I would like to see what is the best approach to send values of the attributes to another system via REST or SOAP every-time the work-item changes, for example, to hook an script when the work item change, then the script gather all values needed, pack them in REST or SOAP.
I saw we can hook java scripting, and also we can develop extensions, but the extensions will take longer. I would like to know what is the best or recommended path ?
Thank you.
One answer
The recommended path here is, to have an experienced architect evaluating various options with the aim to:
- Evaluate feasibility
- Evaluate possible approaches
- Evaluate possible performance impact and other negative impacts
- Evaluate the business need and the benefit of such a solution
Because of the danger such 'integrations' can have, I will not provide any recommendation beyond the following:
Although there are all kinds of requests about JavaScript, maybe because it sounds so simple for inexperienced users, there is no built in Server level integaration API that would run Java Script. This is not an option.