RQM Log shows Warning message about " PUT request for the ExecutionResult artifact without an id and Adapter Library update
Hi Everyone,
I was currently take a look on my RQM Log and I saw this warning message related to my Selenium execution Test Case: "<RQMConnectionHelper/v0.1 spnego-enabled@> /qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/INS+(Quality+Management)_2/executionresult/] WARN com.ibm.rqm.execution - PUT request for the ExecutionResult artifact without an id is improper usage; please provide a known id in the PUT request url. To avoid this warning message adopt Adapter Library of version 4.0 or above.
Anyone knows about this Adapter Library and how can i update it? And how to solve this id improper usage.
Kind Regards
2 answers
Hi Ricardo,
you may have to mention the RQM server version.
Also you could choose to try out with latest adapter version which should be available at - https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/releases/6.0.6?p=allDownloads.
Download the adapter, go through readme.txt and use the library accordingly.