Report Builder - Owner Attribute - Custom Expression Column
Hi All,
My first question is how I can able to custom the owner attribute (in the jazz report builder), to filter contains data (specific string). For example, the report contains so many user, but I would like to filter the departments what is contained in the name in the owner attribute.
My second question, where I can increase the report items from the maximum 3000 to higher? What is the maximum limit anyway?
One answer
To filter for certain owners, you can use the "Set conditions" section on the first tab of the Report Builder "Choose Data." In the pop up, select the appropriate artifact, then choose "Owner." Choose Selected Users, and enter the desired users. If you are instead trying to filter for text in the owners' names, the UI doesn't allow this. However, I have had some luck combining the auto-generated query from 2 different queries in these instances. You can create a filter for some text attribute that allows a "contains" filter, and another filter to get the owner attribute variable handle. I haven't use SQL with DCC, but with SPARQL and LQE, you'll get something like this, which seems to work on 6.0.6 with LQE scoped by a configuration as the Data Source:
Please note that the limits are there for a reason. Unknown to some new users, there is no such thing as limitless comupational resources. User can, and have managed to bring down servers, when exceeding their resources. So we suggest to monitor your system to understand how heavy they are used.