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RTC Java API buffer size adjustment

Tomasz Firsiuk (111) | asked Jan 24 '19, 5:02 a.m.


I use RTC Java API to connect to RTC server and upload files into a workspace. Unfortunately it works much slower than I expected. I found out that ITeamRepository uses Apache HttpClient library to communicate with RTC server services. The HttpClient has a default buffer size of 8192. Is there any way to increase this buffer? I assume it should speed up uploading process.
Thanks in advance. 

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jan 24 '19, 5:42 a.m.

 Have you tried to use the SCM Command Line and compared the upload duration? I would assume if you are in the same ballpark, you can give up. 

Also, as long as you don't know where the performance is lacking, you can not know where to tweak.

Finally in the Work Item Command Line  this call is used. 


I am not sure if you can actually change the cache that way, but this may be an entry point.  

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