How to store information about "System Under Test" within Test Case Execution Record (TCER) ?
Hi all,
I have a system under test (SuT), which has configurable software and hardware parts.
So, at some point of time, SuT will have different configurations as loaded.
To make it solid, please let me give the following example:
SuT will have 3 different configurations at three different points of time. These configurations are determined by the versions of software components A and B, as well as one hardware component C, loaded at that time.
At time T1 -> SuT configuration = SW_A_v.0.1 + SW_B.v.0.3 + HW_C_v.2.1
At time T2 -> SuT configuration = SW_A_v.0.2 + SW_B.v.0.3 + HW_C_v.2.1
At time T3- > SuT configuration = SW_A_v.0.2 + SW_B.v.0.4 + HW_C_v.2.2
So, executing tests on this system at T1, T2, T3 will be based on 3 different Test Case Execution Records, but there will be no way to track the difference between different configurations as stated above, since there is no ability to enter such configuration information into TCER, right ?
What is the solution ?
One answer
I suggest you look into using Test Environments and Test Schedules. When I know a test needs to be run on multiple hardware configurations, I add each to a resource platform in the lab management. This allows you to automatically create and track the TCERs for a given test case that needs to be permuted across all configurations.
We treat software a little differently if its not truly different configurations but rather different versions as features are added and bugs fixed. Then a test schedule following a specific iteration works best.
TCERs can only reference test plans, test environments, and iteration so these are the ways we've tracked them.