Command line scripts for work items
Accepted answer
As far as I know, such scripts do not exist. The RTC SCM command line has some commands related to work items and change sets.
The work item command line comes closest but does not yet have an option to just export one work item. This would have to be added. I never had the time, unfortunately.
It is relatively simple to create a small plain java application see and for more details.
I always wanted to have something like this and found an opportunity to put it into the Work Item Command Line.
Version 4.0.3 has it:
-printworkitem repository="value" user="value" password="value" id="value" /allColumns /asrtceclipse /attributeNamesAsIDs
/ignoreErrors /suppressAttributeExceptions /ignoreErrors [attachmentFolder="C:\temp\export"] [timestampFormat="MMM d, yyyy hh:mm a"] [columns="Type,Id,Planned For,Filed Against,Description,Found In"]
I will try to blog about it on as soon as I can. The latest code in the repository does it. It needs a latest opencsv library and a library commons-lang3-3.1.jar in the lib folder to support the CSV export and import feature.
Open CSV and commons-lang are only needed for CSV export and -import.
WCL 4.3 is for RTC 6.5 and later. For older versions the CSV export and import might not work.