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[closed] Module View exports to excel. Sometimes custom link type information is incomplete

Celia Bengel (1117) | asked Nov 15 '18, 9:16 a.m.
closed Nov 15 '18, 10:05 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)

 Issue:  During the extract to excel from a  module view, sometimes the custom  links do not fully export with the Name.

  • Just one link type impacted  - it is a custom link
  • This does not happen for all module views
  • Upgraded to 6.0.6 about two months ago
  • Mockup example below.   The issue is the ID and Name are both needed in the export.





ABC.123  (Good)

1234 ABC.123 {LINK id=1234 uri=https://.../rm/resources/_xxx}



(Bad – missing ID and Name)

{LINK id=1235 uri=https://.../rm/resources/_xxx}



Work Around: For some reason, the problem goes away if I add a filter on the view to only pull in rows with link type “CUSTOMLINK” (e.g. Smaller view)  I can then use vlookup to combine this information into my spreadsheet.

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by rschoon Nov 15 '18, 10:05 a.m.