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Force refresh of OpenSocial widget/gadget code

Bob 3 (1482068) | asked Nov 06 '18, 11:32 a.m.
edited Nov 08 '18, 10:39 p.m.

I know that there are at least two ways to refresh the code of OpenSocial widgets/gadgets:

  1. Wait up to 10 minutes for the server to automatically re-read the entire catalog
  2. Restart the web server
Is there another way to force a refresh on-demand? Doing widget/gadget development where you're always ten minutes from being able to test your latest code is frustrating!

Running CLM 6.0.6

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Bob 3 (1482068) | answered Nov 06 '18, 1:35 p.m.

It seems that I needed to restart the JTS. Somehow it had gotten stuck and would not refresh the widget/gadget code.

Upon restarting, the JTS now re-reads the widget/gadget code continuously.

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