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Is it possible to show only a specific category subtree in "Filed Against" field based on Work Item type

Davyd Norris (2.5k217) | asked Sep 18 '18, 9:08 p.m.
edited Sep 18 '18, 9:24 p.m.
Hi all,

I am designing a couple of custom work items with two distinct category lists, and I need to show only the category/subcategory list that's associated with that work item type. There are also a few added factors:

 - users ONLY use the RTC web UI, they will never use the rich client
 - the main work item is a Change Proposal form, related to work being done in one of several projects. Its categories are associated with teams belonging to that project and it will appear on that team's release plans etc.
 - the secondary work item is a SME Review, related to the reviews that have to be conducted on the new Change Proposal. Its categories are associated with functional teams of people who can perform the type of review required
 - the SME teams have a team lead. When a new SME review is created, the default owner will be the SME Team lead for that functional area. They will then delegate the review to one of their team
 - the SME Review work item will be visibility restricted by category/team
 - there is quite a level of overlap between the project teams and the functional SME teams, so users will be members of both team groups, and therefore restricting category hierarchy visibility by Team won't work
 - client is also an Enterprise CLM on Cloud customer, so that makes adding custom Java extensions on the server incredibly difficult (but perhaps not impossible, given they are Enterprise)

What I have done is created two top level categories named Change Proposal and SME Review, and then created the respective Filed Against team names underneath. What I now need to do is show just the subcategories under Change Proposal on the Change Proposal work item, and just the subcategories under SME Review on the SME Review work item.

Any ideas much appreciated!!

PS: Bonus points if you can also assign the Team Lead role from the associated SME team as the default Owner for new SME Reviews (but I have an idea for how I can do that with a script)

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