RTC Plan: Creating Snapshot option greyed out very long
we have experienced in our System running RTC 6.0.5 iFix007 that for large plans (fully expanded and loaded ~2000 Wi included) with a lot of Link relationships and excluded items, the "Create Snapshot" option is greyed out quite some time after opening the plan.
When I do a browser refresh while I am on the Snapshot tab, it actually gets never activated.
Can someone explain:
- What data needs to be loaded before the snapshot action is enabled. (Which preconditions exist)
- Which plan characteristics (beside the size, items like loading configuration, displayed tree views etc) do have an impact on this?
- Which impact does the Link type that is displayed in the tree view have? (e.g. if it is a Tracks link vs, a Child link)
I hope that someone know.
Thanks for whatever support you can give us.