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How to share a workitem between 2 projets on the same rtc server

Olivier ROSET (50221) | asked Aug 23 '18, 6:13 a.m.


Let's say that in a project A, i have a workitem number 1000.

I want to share this workitem in another project area (project B),on the same server.

I don't want to duplicate the workitem, but have a kind of alias or link of the workitem 1000 in the project B.

Is is possible in RTC ? 

2 answers

permanent link
Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Aug 24 '18, 4:23 a.m.
Hi Olivier

Yes, its possible.  On the other project area, you can still refer to the work item 1000 by prefixing it with its work item type. if the work item with number 1000 is of defect type, just mention "defect 1000" and it is accessible on the other project area.  A mentions link is created between the two work items.... 

permanent link
Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 25 '18, 1:00 p.m.

You can use any of the RTC link types to connect two items on the same server, so you can navigate between those two work items, but note that most of the built-in planning semantics of a link type only apply if the two items are in the same project area.

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