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After Deployment of plugin it is showing CRJAZ1218E The "VerifyWorkItemRelationships" bundle could not be resolved.

jyoti mishra (45148) | asked Aug 22 '18, 3:49 a.m.
edited Aug 22 '18, 3:53 a.m.


I have developed server side Advisor Plugin to validate Work item Relationships.My plugin fetch work item 1,work item 2 and link type from excel,and validate the link relationship between those two work item.I have added 6 dependencies and one package(org.eclipse.core.runtime),but after deployment it is showing error ,as below
CRJAZ1218E  The "VerifyWorkItemRelationships" bundle with id 619 is invalid,bundle is not resolved.

CRJAZ1218E The "" bundle with the id 619 is invalid, the bundle is not RESOLVED. Examine the the diagnostics that follow this message to determine why the bundle cannot be resolved. [580] 
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: .

It is working fine on jetty server.Please assist me on resolving above issue.Should I add the repository.client package in my plugin.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 22 '18, 3:56 a.m.
edited Aug 22 '18, 3:56 a.m.  is client API. This API is not available on the server. Remove that API and the dependencies created for it.

jyoti mishra commented Sep 02 '18, 12:19 p.m.

 I have not added any client API.I resolved it ,it was compatibility issue. RTC 6.0.3 and 6.0.5 uses JAVA SE-Version as 1.7,but in my Plugin Project it was using JAVA SE version as 1.8,as I  installed jetty Setup on eclipse neon and JDK 1.8.The Eclipse neon was taking by default JAVA SE version as 1.8.The above error message was incomplete.

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