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Webseal with IHS

vowner owner (25834) | asked Mar 26 '18, 8:53 a.m.

 we have our clm applications running behind IHS server. But our Infra already having webseal server in the environment.

So how can we configure the CLm applications with IHS with Webseal server. ?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 30 '18, 4:00 a.m.

WebSEAL can work as a reverse proxy, so you only need either IHS or WebSEAL. These documents may be helpful if you are going to set up WebSEAL as a reverse proxy for CLM.

Note the WebSEAL has not been tested with the the latest versions of CLM (6.0.x), hence not supported. If you go ahead with using it as a reverse proxy, it may be difficult to find help.

vowner owner commented Apr 01 '18, 11:54 p.m. | edited Apr 05 '18, 2:23 a.m.

 Hi Donald,

Yes, we are aware that we wont get support from IBM for clm applications with Webseal as reverse proxy. But we have to deploy our clm applications on an environment where webseal is already using as a reverse proxy.

So we came into a decision that, we will configure clm applications with IHS as reverse proxy and then will  make this to run behind webseal.

So our architecture plan is like 

Webseal --> IHS ---> CLM appications with Liberty.

We can configure the applications with IHS reverse proxy. But we are not sure that how to make this setup behind a webseal and where we need your help

Donald Nong commented Apr 05 '18, 2:25 a.m.

I'm afraid I don't have any experience with WebSEAL. I don't see the point of using double proxy though, as IHS doesn't add any benefit in the architect that you proposed.

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