How to find in which process area Roles are defined/created.
Hi Team,
We are using RTC 6.0.4 and trying to read data via REST calls.
And we are using below REST call to fetch the role definitions in the project area.
REST call is -
In response we will find out role definitions in the section <ProcessDTO> as below -
This process is only used for the Money that Matters sample and should not be used for normal projects. It is derived from the Scrum process.
The person responsible, for managing, the Product Backlog.
<id>Product Owner</id>
<label>Product Owner</label>
In this response, i could see <defined> element and I assume it will specify whether this role is created/defined in this project area(value=true) or not(value=false).
But when we have a master & child projet areas(PA1 is master where PA2 is child which inherit process from PA1), And in child project area REST call response, I could observer
all those roles defined in master project area have this <isDefined> as true. With this, my assumption (only those roles defined in project area will have true) is failed.
In RTC Web UI, If I open the same child project area and in "roles" section, I could see only thos role definitions defined on this child project area but not those inherited from the Master/Parent.
So how can I find out, where exactly this role definition is created/defined via REST calls?
Am I using the correct REST service or is there different service call to identify this?
Thank you,
Praveen S H
Donald Nong
Feb 18 '18, 7:59 p.m.Just be aware that you are using an internal API so that the help you will get on this topic can be limited.
Marko Tomljenovic
Feb 19 '18, 3:13 a.m.Yes. We are very well aware of it. But that is the only API available that we can use/know.