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generateURLMappings version 5.0.2

Joao Ramires (34720) | asked Jan 22 '18, 10:52 a.m.

Hi all, I'm trying to do a server rename to create a staging environment. Following the KC and the generateURLMappings, fails.
I don't understand why I get error 500.
Can someone give-me some light ?
repotools-jts -generateURLMappings adminPassword=** adminUserId=xxxxxxr repositoryURL=https://xxxxx:9443/jts toFile=mappings.txt

CRJAZ2233I The server at https://xxxxxx:9443/jts/urlMappingInformation is being contacted to collect URL information.
CRJAZ1247E The request to the server failed.  The server returned the HTTP error 500 with this error text: Internal Server Error. CRJAZ1247E The request to the server failed.  The server returned the HTTP error 500 with this error text: Internal Server Error.

Donald Nong commented Jan 22 '18, 6:06 p.m.

You need to check the server log file (jts.log in this case) to see more detailed information. If you cannot resolve it by yourself, please contact IBM Support.

Joao Ramires commented Jan 23 '18, 6:19 a.m.

Doug, thanks four your answer. I've this on jts.log:

..Unhandled Exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=500.  Message: CRJZS0429E The server rename URL provider code detected an invalid URL.  URL is buildagent://  URL category is AFFECTED.  URL description is Build engine(s) with id(s): Agent Windows .NET DEV (I) (SDADGLHAWBUI01), Agent Windows .NET DEV (II) (SDADGLHAWBUI01), Agent Windows .NET DEV (III) (SDADGLHAWBUI01), Agent Windows .NET DEV (IV) (SDADGLHAWBUI01), Agent Windows .NET QUA (I) (SDADGLHAWBUI01), Agent Windows .NET QUA (II) (SDADGLHAWBUI01).

URL exists and can be pinged. I dont understand why I've those hex codes for "/" (/) on the error message

any idea?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jan 23 '18, 9:35 p.m.

This often happens when build engine is involved, See the resolutions in this post:

Joao Ramires selected this answer as the correct answer

Joao Ramires commented Jan 24 '18, 10:43 a.m.

I'll try the suggested resolution. But I'm curious why we need to change WAS server configuration. Does repotools-jts -generateURLMappings reads WAS server configuration?

Donald Nong commented Jan 25 '18, 2:47 a.m.

It's not about WAS, but rather the parameter As the name suggests, when the applications start with this parameter set to true, they will allow to output invalid URL to the mapping file. That is, the generateURLMappings command can complete instead of terminating.

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