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What is the java API to distinguish a folder which represent a SCM component in sandbox.

Swapnil Sahu (1317) | asked Nov 15 '17, 1:45 a.m.
edited Nov 16 '17, 2:12 a.m.


Once the component is loaded into sandbox in an eclipse client, how to differentiate the folders in Package Explorer whether they represent a SCM component or just a normal folder of a project.

I need plain java API to differentiate them. I am looking for solution which uses IResource, IFolder, IProject.


Swapnil Sahu commented Nov 16 '17, 2:08 a.m. | edited Nov 16 '17, 2:09 a.m.

@daviddl @rschoon @gmclemm @dnong  @sdetweil
Can any one of you help me in this please.

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Nov 21 '17, 3:04 a.m.

 I believe IResource#getLocationURI or getRawLocationURI should return the URI with a prefix "source control://" if the resource is under a source control else it should return with a prefix "file://".

Swapnil Sahu commented Nov 23 '17, 7:31 a.m.

Hi @ Shashikant Padur,
it only differentiate whether a folder belongs to a local project or from a SCM Project (source control).

Mine requirement is - Inside a SCM stream after loading, the loaded folder represent a SCM component or project I need to figure out.

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