RTC and Bluemix Securegateway via HTTPS
I need to connect my local RTC from Bluemix, so I used Secure Gateway. All work fine with HTPP but if I try with https://localhost:9443/ccm on Secure Gateway the connction is closed. Someone already configured RTC with bluemix Secure Gateway? Hel is needed.
2 answers
it's seem not possible connect RTC to Bluemix public because there is no chance to use Secure Gateway..
Secure Gateway map a private (private.xxx.com:9443) address to public address (public.xxx.com:19815).
IN SecureGateway you can't choose port number.
RTC use the private address and port given during product installation phase.
What happen is that you are able to connect to RTC using Secure Gateway public address, but RTC always return an address like private.xxx.com:9443