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DNG image artifacts after word import

David BOURDON (19111) | asked Oct 11 '17, 4:03 a.m.

After a word import, the images of the word file result in artifacts of image type. The primary text is empty and can't be edited.
I prefer having all the images in the Primary text, in order to be able to edit the artifacts more easily.

So my question is : How to change an image artifact to a text artifact and having the image in the Primary text ?


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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Oct 11 '17, 7:02 a.m.

Looks like the images are added as File and hence you cannot edit primary text. If you choose "Import a text document and convert to a rich text artifact", you can have a text artifact created with images and primary text.

You may also try specifying how to identify requirements and how to handle image files in the Import wizard. If that does not work, you may need to modify the document to be imported.

David BOURDON selected this answer as the correct answer

David BOURDON commented Oct 11 '17, 10:22 a.m.

Thanks. It looks like there is no way to choose to import images as text artifact in the import wizard.
Nevertheless i found that, if there is text with the image in the same word paragraph, the text and the image will be imported in the primary text of a text artifact.
So my best solution is to add a space character after each image of my word document so that all images are imported as text artifacts.

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