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RTC Follow-Up Action aborts save action in case of exceptions

Marko Tomljenovic (31650109) | asked Sep 28 '17, 9:04 a.m.


we have developed a follow-up action and have configured it to run for a "work item save".
Due to a bug in the action that lead to an exception the overall save operation was aborted (the transaction rolled back).
I was expecting that the follow-up action is totally independent of the operation that it follows-up.

We are now using RTC 6.0.4. Has this behaviour been added recently or was it always like this?

Accepted answer

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Stefano Antoniazzi (1701711) | answered Sep 28 '17, 9:13 a.m.

For what I've seen in 2.x and 4.x it has always been like that: an error in follow-up work item save extension invalidates the save itself.

Marko Tomljenovic selected this answer as the correct answer

Marko Tomljenovic commented Sep 28 '17, 9:21 a.m.

Thanks for the fast answer.

It is not what I would expect when reading "Follow up" but ok, no one seems to complain about it :)


Stefano Antoniazzi commented Oct 04 '17, 5:04 a.m. | edited Oct 04 '17, 5:05 a.m.

 From the jazz wiki:

If an participant throws an exception or reports a serious problem, subsequent participants will not be run. On the server, this will cause the entire operation transaction to be rolled back.

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