RM architecture
I'm new to Jazz, I'm trying to understand the architecture below for RM:
Could you pleases, explain to me, how it works ? especially the server Node :
image :http://hpics.li/c5d184c
4 answers
It's not exactly what you are looking for, but I suggest starting here:
and poking around ...
- elsewhere on the deployment wiki
- https://jazz.net/library/
- product documentation: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_6.0.4/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/topics/c_calm_common.html
In summary and so simplistic it's inaccurate in some details:
[user] <--> [RM web app client and server] <--> [Jazz Team Server] <--> [database]
I don't really understand your image, so I can't comment.
I will note that the requirements management application uses the "rm" namespace in resource URIs, and it is an OSLC-RM server (and client).
Like Daniel, the diagram doesn't make much sense to me. Not sure what kind of abstraction is used here, but doesn't look like a common way to depict the DNG architecture.
If the Requirements Management Component is the DNG application, I could imagine that the IBM RM and RM Schema is the interface spec for the DNG application dealing with underlying components DNG uses, as the OS, web container and the Jazz Team Server, plus a database server. But again, doesn't make much sense to show things like this.
In this picture, that I have found in this article : https://jazz.net/wiki/pub/Deployment/CLMArchitectureOverview/Arch3.png
[RM web app client and server] = software installation (RM, CCM, ...) ?
In that picture the RM application (web client and server logic) is the 'Software Installation RM'.
At the end RM is a web application, using a JTS server for services as user adminstration and licenses, and a database server.
Just one more question, why that is not the case for DM application ?
Why is what not the case?
my mistake !
I'm back !
I tried to read what you suggested,so I have made this :
Could you, please, tell me that what I have done as architecture is correct?
Have you a remark to give it ?
· In Pink this aplication or its components
· In Jaune, enterprise services (applications or platforms)
· In green, COTS used by this application (Operating systems, libraries, …)