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Possible to reach the an ALM workitem (PCR and Task) from Java code or with REST API?

Denes Elo (1529) | asked Aug 07 '17, 9:49 a.m.

I have some requirements in Doors Classic and these have a link to an ALM PCR on Jazz Team Server (6.0.3). According to this link I want to get this Tasks of the this PCR. I want to get the state of the tasks, and according to the result I would like to set one of the attribute of the requirement.

To get the PCR and the Tasks from the ALM server is there a Java Library or is there a REST API and is there any documentation for these how to use them? (please give me links for download and documentation)

Possible to use REST API in DXL or recommended to create an individual application for this project than what to use modify DOORS requirements from code?

 Thanks for your help!!

Accepted answer

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 08 '17, 3:31 a.m.

You should be able to retrieve the information using OSLC API.

Implementing the OSLC API within DXL can be quite difficult - I believe it lacks the libraries to make HTTP calls and parse XML contents.

Denes Elo selected this answer as the correct answer

Denes Elo commented Aug 09 '17, 5:30 a.m.

And is it possible to do everything in a Java application? Modify the Doors requirement, get the workitem by ID read the children of the workitem, all function in the same application.

Donald Nong commented Aug 10 '17, 1:33 a.m.

I am aware of some adapters working between DWA and other OSLC-compliant applications, not directly interacting with DOORS.

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