How to delete the workspace programmatically in RTC SCM API
Hello All,
We have a usecase wherein we, need to get the Changesets from a particular snapshot given(Baselines).
We are creating the workspace connection for getting the connection object as mentioned in below uri :
IWorkspaceConnection tempwrkspaceCon=workspaceMgr.createWorkspace(scopeHandle, "testStreamDemoPurpose2", "forTestingpurpsose", snapShot, null);
IChangeHistory changeHistory = wrkspaceCon.changeHistory(compHandle);
List<IChangeHistoryDescriptor> csDescriptorList = changeHistory.getHistoryDescriptors(Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, null);
for (IChangeHistoryDescriptor csDescriptor : csDescriptorList) {
//some more code.
After getting all the ChangeSets, we need to delete the tempwrkspaceCon workspace, because that is not required anymore.
Could you please suggest as how to delete the workspace pointer programmatically ?
One answer
I believe you use the same API you used to create the workspace to delete it:, IProgressMonitor)
Thanks for the reply Ralph.
I was not able to use this API, since i have the IWorkspaceConnection object and not the IWorkspaceHandle.
IWorkspaceConnection tempwrkspaceCon=workspaceMgr.createWorkspace(scopeHandle, "testStreamDemoPurpose2", "forTestingpurpsose", snapShot, null);
Is there any other way to delete the workspace from its connection object ?
If you want to do this kind of work, you basically have to learn how to search in the SDK. Finding the IWorkspaceManager.deleteWorkspace() after the createWorkspace was already at IWorkspaceManager is a no brainer. Searching for IWorkspaceManager.deleteWorkspace() in the SDK is a 30 seconds operation and finding one of the first is SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(workspace.teamRepository()).deleteWorkspace(workspace.getResolvedWorkspace(), null); which shows that always returns the IWorkspace which is its own handle. Before you ask extends
The easiest way to search is to open a class or method, right click at it and open the declaration. On the declaration right click and select References to search for them.