How can use Kanban board in RTC?
Nowadays I'm studing about Kanban.
Concept of Kanban is somewhat understood. but I wonder how to apply in RTC.
At my workplace, project members work with FUNCTION POINT in the development environment.
I think this FP element can be used as KANBAN's backlog.
1. I would like to know if there is a case that applies FP concept to Kanban.
2. In general, if someone have a manual (Admin/User) or related information on kanban in rtc, I would appreciate it if you share.
One answer
Hi Seyoung,
1. Do you mean FP is Focal Point? I don't remember Focal Point anymore. Please ask Unicom team.
2. If you create a RTC project with scrum template, the kanban is available in Plan.