Migrate Rational Synergy and change to SAP Soltion Manager
Good Morning guys
i have a question i don't know if you could answer me or help me to find it
We have currently complete installation of Rational Synergy and Rational Change on a machine.
How do I full move or migrate my Synergy databases, Change lifecycle, Change user preferences, Change customization all the files and folders, and the important thing the source code history to another 3rd party system SAP Solution manager ? because i would not want to lose any data and source code while the migration process then import it to SAP Solution Manager.
what is your opinion about that ? is it possible and which tool should i use for this operation
how could you advice me ? what is the possibility to make this action
thanks in advance ....
best regards
One answer
This is definitely not a Synergy Change forum. The question is not with respect to Rational Team concert.