[closed] ClearCase RTC "Bridge" for Base ClearCase / dynami
Hi folks,
does anybody have any experience or actual work to share concerning the following integration:
RTC Work Items --> Base ClearCase, dynamic views.
Several ClearCase customers are not using CCRC and are not using UCM (activities), but are interested in using RTC work item, planning and reporting capability. The only feasible way I can think of currently involves the REST API and the example described in http://jazz.net/library/article/194
Any ideas / comments?
does anybody have any experience or actual work to share concerning the following integration:
RTC Work Items --> Base ClearCase, dynamic views.
Several ClearCase customers are not using CCRC and are not using UCM (activities), but are interested in using RTC work item, planning and reporting capability. The only feasible way I can think of currently involves the REST API and the example described in http://jazz.net/library/article/194
Any ideas / comments?
The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by abister Jun 19 '12, 3:29 a.m.
Accepted answer
The current plan for CC Bridge support for dynamic views is to extend
the CCRC GUI to handle dynamic views. See work item 94036.
But if you have something in mind that would be an alternative approach,
please elaborate, and we could discuss it.
abister wrote:
the CCRC GUI to handle dynamic views. See work item 94036.
But if you have something in mind that would be an alternative approach,
please elaborate, and we could discuss it.
abister wrote:
Hi folks,
does anybody have any experience or actual work to share concerning
the following integration:
RTC Work Items --> Base ClearCase, dynamic views.
Several ClearCase customers are not using CCRC and are not using UCM
(activities), but are interested in using RTC work item, planning and
reporting capability. The only feasible way I can think of currently
involves the REST API and the example described in
Any ideas / comments?