IAttachment Details can be displayed in workItems window programatically?
Hi All,
I want to display current work ticket's attachment details like - Name, type of file, size of file, attachment created by, attachment Creation date in work Item's window programatically. but I dont find any API to achieve that.
There are couple of APIs like
WorkItemUI.showWorkItems() or QueriesUI.showQueryResults() but these will accept List of worktickets or query results as parameters.
One answer
You would have to create a Custom Attribute Presentation.
Thanks Ralph for quick reply. I think I have seen this attribute customization It talks about customizing workItem UI and query editor but not "work Items" window. I want to show all attachment details in "work Items" window which shows query results in RTC eclipse client.
OK, for queries there is no way I am aware of to extend that. You can create views in the Eclipse client, but I don't think there is any way to customize the web ui that way.