How to generate TOT and TOF in report for RDNG
Accepted answer
Please use this template. I can see TOT and TOF in the output.
Used the attached template but still the TOF and heading numbers for TOC are not generated
let me know your email id, so that i can contact you, since we limited internet access
Still I am unable generate the TOF, let me know the procedure to add caption for figure in DNG module should it be a separate artifact or caption inside a figure eg., Fig 1 : test1
2 other answers
1. Modify the RPE template (.dta file in <jazzteamserverhome>\server\conf\rm\reporting\initialization\templates\rrdg folder) by just inserting "Table OF Tables" and "Table OF Figures" elements in the template. You need RPE for opening/editing the template.
2. Use a Word macro that adds TOT / TOF. If you want to run the macro through DNG (during publish), please refer the steps in
The table of content numbering are not generated in Report through RPE and images are not added in the report, Table of table and Table of figures are also not generated using RDNG formal module
Kindly help in resolving the issue. I am unable to attach the RPE template, generated report and formal module in word format in this question
used the template which avaliable in the the RPE sample template DNG_Module.dta for generating reporting using JKE requirment management Plan as a formal module.
If the figure caption is calculated by field codes, try to refresh by Ctrl-A then F9 key.
Missing images might be caused by incorrect data source set when generating a document.