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John Matthews (2263932) | asked Aug 31 '09, 12:51 p.m.
Is there a best practice way yet of extending the defect work item in RTC to implement ODC?

4 answers

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Christophe Elek (2.9k13021) | answered Sep 08 '09, 5:34 a.m.
JAZZ DEVELOPER (johnmatt) wrote in news:h7gv5c$3un

Is there a best practice way yet of extending the defect work item in
RTC to implement ODC?

We did create our own flow, attributes and type to 'mimic' the IBM
We did not formally implement ODC, but we did extend the type to add causal

Let me know if you want to know more about it...

Christophe Elek
Jazz L3
IBM Software Group - Rational

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John Matthews (2263932) | answered Sep 15 '09, 2:13 p.m.
Yes Christopher. I would be interested in what you did; perhaps you could email me or post details here.

Do you know of any plans to implement this IBM standard into the product? (johnmatt) wrote in news:h7gv5c$3un

Is there a best practice way yet of extending the defect work item in
RTC to implement ODC?

We did create our own flow, attributes and type to 'mimic' the IBM
We did not formally implement ODC, but we did extend the type to add causal

Let me know if you want to know more about it...

Christophe Elek
Jazz L3
IBM Software Group - Rational

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Remigiusz Dudek (21) | answered Dec 07 '09, 9:33 a.m.
Christophe, did you manage to reflect relatations between respective ODC fields? For example if one chooses an ODC_Activity, ODC_Trigger gets filtered out, so only options assign to a chosen ODC_Activity are available.

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Remigiusz Dudek (21) | answered Jan 05 '10, 7:38 a.m.
There are so called "Work Item Attribute Value Providers" introduced in RTC These value providers may be used to reflect dependecies between respective ODC fields.

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