How to create and link multiple test suite with multiple test cases, Pls help
I wish to create multiple test cases and multiple test suite and link them, something like from one excel
TS1 TC1 TestScript1
TC2 TestScript2
TS2 TC3 TestScript3
TC4 TestScript4
When I do that all test suites get linked to all test cases, I only need to link TS1 to TC1 and TC2, AND TS2 to TC3 and TC4. folllowing is my cfg file. Please help how can be do this. Thanks!!
testscript.XLSStartRow=5 // use the data in the first row of a found script's column B
// the literal "execution" will be put into the step type tag, so all steps will be of type execution
testcase.XLSStartRow=5 // we want to use the data we got for each test script to create a test case
This CFG links all test cases to all test suites. I also tried to link with this
But this lands to error.
Please help. Thank you.
2 answers
Hi, Deepak
testsuite.XLSLink=testcase will link all testcases to each testsuite as that is how it is supposed to work.
To link test suite to specific test cases, in this case, you would need to use external id for test cases and
link them using Link() keyword: testsuite.testcase=link(xx)
xx can be cell(cells) with the test case external id list.
From testcase.ID=testscript.XLSArtifactID we know test case is using testscript external id, which is cell 'L'
in your cfg file. you would need to create a new column for test suite for test case external id. In that cell
corresponding to TS1, you would need to have TC1 and TC2 external ids in one cell(need newline between the two ids)
TS2 corresponding cell should have TC3 and TC4 external ids, then it should work as expected.
Hopefully this helps.
testsuite.XLSLink=testcase will link all testcases to each testsuite as that is how it is supposed to work.
To link test suite to specific test cases, in this case, you would need to use external id for test cases and
link them using Link() keyword: testsuite.testcase=link(xx)
xx can be cell(cells) with the test case external id list.
From testcase.ID=testscript.XLSArtifactID we know test case is using testscript external id, which is cell 'L'
in your cfg file. you would need to create a new column for test suite for test case external id. In that cell
corresponding to TS1, you would need to have TC1 and TC2 external ids in one cell(need newline between the two ids)
TS2 corresponding cell should have TC3 and TC4 external ids, then it should work as expected.
Hopefully this helps.
Thank you Don Yang, I think it is going to help me.
Last thing, How do I know external ID of test case, which I'm about to add now.
I need some thing like this...
who would I know this number xxx ??
Regards, is internal id which will be generated after you exported to RQM, For external id, you specify it using
XLSArtifactID keyword such as testcase.XLSArtifactID=L, in which column L will have unique id as test case externail id and you can use those ids to link to test suite.
Similar issue has been discussed in another thread 'Import multiple testsuites linked to multiple test cases, link testsuites to testplan', please check if that helps, what error are you getting with above syntax?
Hi Mehul, Thanks for the reply.
The thread you suggested seems to be un-answered to problem stated.
However I just need to map Test suites (TS) , Test cases (TC) and Test scripts (Test script) having all their unique names.
I guess there's a minor mistake in my cfg, Can you pls look in my cfg. and suggest something.
Thanks in advance.!!