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Description of workitem types

Ayse Bener (115) | asked Oct 17 '16, 12:19 p.m.
I noticed that there are a few work item types mentioned in documentation, such as: defect, enhancement, story and maintenance.
Also, I have queried a set of workitems from RTC project. The types of workitem (costumed types) in the extracted data is more varied including: story verification, JUnit, API adaption, ..... 

Question1: I was wondering what is the description of each of these workitem types. Is there any references that clarifies what each type refers to?

Question2: can the type of work item be used in order to identify patches from other changes?

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Oct 17 '16, 3:41 p.m.
i ahve never seen those workitem types in a new RTC installation.. so they may be customer workitem types created by your local organization.

this page in the doc describes the standard workitems types in the two models, scrum and formal project mgmt

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